Fiscal Year End Processing

Fiscal Year End Processing

Fiscal Year End 2024


Note: Additional updates to the year-end community schedule may occur as strictly needed and will be immediately communicated.


Announcement on behalf of Danta White, Senior Assistant Vice President and University Controller

Financial Affairs (FA) is pleased to announce the release of the 2024 Fiscal Year-End (FYE) Closing Schedule.

UCF’s fiscal year ends on June 30, and this closing schedule reflects the final approval due dates for financial transactions that must be paid from current year funds. This includes financial transactions such as expense reports (for travel and other payments and reimbursements), punchouts, purchase requisitions, purchase orders and others. It is important for you to review this schedule and to be aware of the deadlines to complete required transactions.

An review of the schedule occurred at the Finance Focus Group (FFG) on April 25.  If you were unable to attend this meeting, a video recording is available for review in the Financial Affairs Community of Practice team and can be accessed  here. The upcoming Finance Focus Group (FFG) meeting on May 16 will review updates to the schedule and allow staff have an opportunity to ask questions or clarifications regarding fiscal year-end. In addition, staff is requested to stay tuned for guidance from your FBC director for college or division-specific due dates, guidelines, etc., as applicable.

We thank you in advance for your commitment to UCF, and we will work diligently to ensure an effective transition to the new fiscal year. Go Knights! Charge on!