Composite Fringe Benefit Rates

Composite Fringe Benefit Rates

UCF Composite Fringe Benefit Rates


The fiscal year 2025 rates will be effective for all payroll posting in fiscal year 2025. The 2025 rates should be applied to gross earnings beginning for the pay period ending July 04,2024.

Composite Fringe Benefit Rate Memo (effective 7/1/2024)


CFBR Groups - FY2025
CFBR GroupsFY25
Faculty (12 and 9 Month Faculty)32%
Executive Service34%
COM Clinical Faculty
Administrative & Professional (A&P)41%
University Support Personnel System (USPS)54%
Post-Doctoral Associates20%
OPS Adjunct and Non-Students11%
OPS Students (Undergraduate, Graduate, GRAs and GTAs)2%
CFBR Groups - FY2024
CFBR GroupsFY24
Faculty (12 and 9 Month Faculty)32%
Executive Service34%
COM Clinical Faculty
Administrative & Professional (A&P)41%
University Support Personnel System (USPS)53%
Post-Doctoral Associates23%
OPS Adjunct and Non-Students12%
OPS Students (Undergraduate, Graduate, GRAs and GTAs)2%
ARECIBO Observatory13%
CFBR Groups - FY2023
CFBR GroupsFY23
COM Clinical Faculty21%
Administrative & Professional (A&P)39%
Executive Service32%
University Support Personnel System (USPS)52%
Post-Doctoral Associates23%
OPS Non-Students14%
OPS Students (Undergraduate, Graduate, GRAs and GTAs)2%
  • The composite fringe benefit rates are applied to all employees who are eligible for benefits regardless of their elections.
  • Rates have been approved by the Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Please refer to the CFBR main page for a list of fringe benefits that are included in the composite fringe benefit rate.